
Friday, October 12, 2007

I Can't Believe It's Already Mid-October

Time flies so fast, I never realised (yes, that is spelled with an "s") that almost half of October has already passed by.

Funny how I promised myself that I will try to keep my posting to a faithful, constant schedule. But I kept on getting sidetracked to other activities, both at work and otherwise.

My eBay sales are doing fine. It would have been better, if I could finally get a bank loan approved. Then I would partner with a friend's hobby shop, and start making some serious money and not just depend on reselling used stuff on the 'Bay.

And just as I was about to gather new ideas for my blog stuff, I, along with most of my colleagues at work, had to attend a week-long training session in *gasp!* the morning shift, which started last Friday. This training was for the company's upcoming New Zealand / Australia account (which accounts for my fancy spelling a few paragraphs back). Well, I'm glad to say that training session is now officially over, and I can go back to gathering my thoughts and material for this blog.


I'm now doing overtime at work, because the office seems to have been undermanned by their scheduling decisions. Oh, well. This helps me earn more pay by doing overtime, anyway. And to think it's Ramadan, so there's some additional holiday pay in for me as well.

It's just that I cannot get on my train of thought when all these questions begin to pour in, and usually it's when I'm just about to get into the groove in writing down my thoughts. Aaargh! Frickin' Murphy's Law!

Blimey. Ah well. No worries, mate.

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